Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jen and Ryan Visit!

Before we get to the awesome visitor action, here are some misc. pictures that I can't put anywhere else.

Not usually my style of humor, but you can't ignore this.  And no, I didn't buy it.  Maybe I should have?

Getting whipped in the face by Brandon's ponytail is a regular occurrence when he's the one driving.

Sugar at the helm

A student's artwork that I really liked

The office is sometimes distracting.

Student teacher Sai and I at a bar down the street that has swinging benches.

It is appropriately named "Swinging."



We spent a completely awesome weekend hanging out with Ryan and Jen who stopped for a few days in Bangkok before flying out to Phuket for the wedding of Ryan's cousin.  It was so great to see (more!) friends from home and we had a blast!

Shugs and I arrived in Bangkok before they landed, so we went looking for English books and other stuff.

This place is way too fancy to buy anything!

But it had a really rad entry way

In this mall we stumble upon some rad crochet exhibition.  This is a FULL cover for a VW bus!

Burners be jelly

This was pretty enormous.


We got a cheapy room on Kao San (very close to Ryan and Jen's hotel) that came with awesome curtains.

They were a little knackered after the flight, but spent the whole afternoon and evening out with us like total troopers!


View from their hotel room

Sounds like my kind of travel.

Hitting the night street

Go to Asia much?

Shooting the breeze and getting all the updates from home.

My awesome new hand-fan that now goes everywhere with me.  Why didn't I think of this sooner...?

The next day.

Photo op on their awesome balcony

Some kind of bedspread flair in Ryan and Jen's hotel room (that we lovingly dubbed "the cumber bun" from the previous night) that I turned into a rad hood.  I wish I could have kept it.

Heading out into the heat

They managed to put on great smiles for this taxi smelling like absolute armpit.

Ryan's got that tourist look down pat.

Malls a million.  It's bewildering.

Jim Thompson's Historical House.

Yes, I bought some crazy shoes the night before.  I saw people staring at my feet all day when I wore these.

This guy's pad was right along the canal.

He collected a lot of impressively old artwork.  "It belongs in a museum!" came to mind.

Sorry, more lotuses.

Back out in the hustle bustle.

Too cute!

Checking out what's cooking on the street.

 Market time!

Thai wedding and formal dresses.

Creepy no matter what country you're in.  At least he's got the Thai wai etiquette.

A drifting favorite.


  1. Great pictures, as per usual. Appreciate your use of knackered (reminds me of a quote from our website, I'll email you about it). Maybe Shugs needs a bun or hair net to protect your face from the ponytail whipping.

  2. Thanks! I think he's been wanting some kind of hair restraining cap in general. When we get home from school our apartment is stinking hot he gets kind of agitated when he can't put it all up properly. He says he's getting better at buns though.
