Friday, February 3, 2012

Misc. January

I bring to you a fabulous mish-mash of photos taken within the past couple weeks with a little context on the side.  Enjoy!

A few snaps from making merit at PSC on teachers' day.

Front stage of our school

Each teaching department had a different colored shirt... I guess we missed the memo?

Buying vitamin C tablets:

Thanks for the reminder!

Buying a novelty shirt from the night market:

This is strictly an allusion to Pokemon, BTW

Resident Gin-cho in our apartment:

I decided to do a mineral face mask.  Brandon took this awesome picture of me applying it and looking completely evil at the same time:

The school cat had a litter of 4 kittens on the second floor of building 1!  These pictures were taken when the little blighters were only 1 day old.  I've been keeping tabs on them :D

She lives with them inside a large vase.

The kids in the classroom next door feed and take care of them <3

Sunset in Nakon Pathom:



Last weekend we took a one-day trip to Bangkok to find travel books for the summer.

A bajillion little eggs, anyone?
Victory Monument

Taking the BTS (Bangkok Transit System) or Sky Car, was fun and really easy!  I love train-like public transportation!


Walking around the city:

Birds to you can buy to set free as an offering.

A large, and evidently popular, shrine (not to be confused with Temple):

So much incense was burning that the air was hazy!
A stand of flowers.

Hungry!  We went to a famous restaurant called Cabbages and Condoms.  They have programs to promote contraceptive methods to rural and poor areas of Thailand, and the condom is their mascot.

Santa condom sculpture

The food was overpriced (for a good cause), but delicious.

This guy was my favorite

Stopped off at Kao San Road to find Kathleen a backpack:

I seem to remember this guy from the last time I was here.  And I get the distinct feeling he's trying to perv on those falang chicks.

On our way to the station:

Good old tuk-tuk

Back in Nakhon Pathom that evening:

Our river is not much to boast about and I think it acts more as a mosquito breeding ground than a water feature.


More misc from school:

Found our friend Muay on our way to school one morning.
My advanced students practicing for their song and dance presentations from around the world!

Fai saw what I was up to and managed to run away in time.

Kathleen decided to buy a Q&A toy to throw around the classroom.  Now almost all of us have a "mister"!

The whole family!  Mister is mine on the top left.  Brandon has Miss on the top right.  Kathleen's is Junior at the bottom.
One happy, diapered, family.

Murals around PSC:

Depicted here is a Thai game.  I've played it with a couple classes before.

My 2/1 class!

My student held this up and was like, "Teacher, troll face!"  And I was like, " I know EXACTLY what that is!"

The school being prepared for the party tomorrow to celebrate PSC's 20th anniversary!

Some kind of monk-mobile?

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