Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thong-Lor and Lopburi


After our wild success as fashionistas at the faculty party the day before, Toon and Ak of the student teachers, Pancate, Wanee, Corin and Mai of the Chinese teachers, and us falang teachers decided to hit the town that Friday night.

We went to a popular bar/club just up the street from us called Thong-Lor.

On our way over, the Sugar and I picked up a snack from 7-11.  A microwavable burrito from Thailand with ham and cheese innards which, coming from San Diego where delicious burritos practically grow on trees, was amusing to us.  It was actually pretty tasty.  Why is this noteworthy?  I will tell you later.

I got my first haircut in Thailand earlier that afternoon.  Lookin' sharp, Lisa!

A band started.  They played popular covers and some Thai songs I did and did not recognize.

Whiskey and dancing:

Toon and Ak were ... busy? ;P

Everyone wants to be a mobster like Mai

Perfect time to practice our wais!

The "live long and prosper wai".  What a great combo!

Toon's not quite with the program on this one.

Live long and prosper ears?

Brandon and I left not too long after this picture was taken because he started to feel ill.  My stomach started to bother me an hour or two after Brandon, and quite soon after we discovered that we both had, without a doubt, food poisoning from that stupid burrito.  It was the worst bout of food illness I have ever had, and probably the most sick Brandon has been in what he estimates to be 10 years.  Our illness only subsided the next morning by around 10am when we could both finally get some sleep without having to wake up at intervals to vomit.  We had absolutely no energy to do anything for all of Saturday so it became an official movie day.  What a great start to the weekend!


That Sunday the falang made a trip back to good ol' Lopburi to renew our visas.

Just a little elephant hanging out at a Lopburi night market

After the paperwork was done the next day we made a stop to visit our friends at the Keang Ba Cafe!

While waiting for a van to get back to Nakhon Pathom Andy checked out the monkey temple.  Kathleen, Brandon and I had already seen this, and just wanted to keep to the sidelines of Ling town.

A wild band of falang appears!

I didn't really miss these guys, although they are really fun to watch.

The lighter skin around these macaques eyes allow for more complex social communication via their facial expressions, and facilitates recognition of expressions at longer distances.  Yay bio-anthro minor!

The one on the motorcycle had a toothpick in his mouth like a cowboy!

Back in Nakhon Pathom:  a cool lizard in our path.

The following week at school:  A couple snaps of campus from building 3.

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