Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life in Lopburi

Some silliness.... these are Oishi! brand boxes of tea from Japan.

 This is Santipot's kitten Tong (which means gold.)  Him and I are buddies.  Feisty little bugger.
 David with Pieter's son, Brandon.

Pieter and 3-week old Brandon
 These temporary walls are typical of flood protection structures in Thailand.  This is my bank, K Excellence!
 We went to a 100Baht, all you can eat, grill your own meat, noodles and veggie, Thai buffet!

They often put ice in their beer.  I will have to ask for mine to be mai nam kaang or without ice next time.

Oh and Thailand has scrumptious iced lattes which are always sweet.
Yesterday we checked out a temple that is attached to an HIV/AIDS clinic nestled in the forest just outside of town.  They do a lot of information sessions about HIV/AIDS, and many people affected by the disease live there.

There were hundreds upon hundreds of these statues of angels all around the temple

HUGE Buddha

Angels for miles.  This path actually leads to nowhere.  This temple is still under construction.

One angel seems to stand out from the rest... ;P

The angels look a little like Gatoy (ladyboys)!

Ascended a grip of stairs to get a great view of Lopburi and surrounding.  I got bitten here 4 times by mosquitos in a matter of 5 minutes.

Found a delicious new addition to my market food repertoire: little hard-boiled eggs deep-fried in batter with some sweet and spicy sauce drizzled on it.  Only 2 Baht a pop!

Tongu San and me

Small millipede and a GIANT snail.  No kidding, this snail really looked like it belonged in the ocean.  I'd estimate his shell was 3" x 1.5"

No cabbies or songtel (minibuses) were around at 10pm last night when we wanted to head into town, so we struck a deal with some locals and they took us in the back of their pickup (totally legal here).

Thais think it's really funny to see a truck full of Falang!

A "tower" is a popular way to share beer among friends when you are in a restaurant or bar.  They even have them at the grocery store!

I made friends!  This lady told me that I was good and gave me a glowstick.  She was so happy to hear that I love Thailand.

Another friend!  This guy gave us a plate of french fries and gave Brandon some whiskey.  Did I mention that Thais love whiskey?

Saw a few different ska bands at the bar that night and they were all pretty awesome.  Matt got this singer's number - will let you know if he actually calls her :D

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