Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monkeys and Temples in Lopburi

Yesterday we took the whole day to explore Lopburi with two of the other teachers, Matt and Elizabeth.  We were out for about 9 hours in total and had a blast!

After a nice brekky of rice, noodles, and a delicious iced latte, we headed out and caught a minibus into the center of town.

We decided to check out some of the ancient temples in town, the first of which was called "Monkey Temple".  I assumed the origin of the temple name was folkloric until we reached our mini bus stop...

 Brandon had put his latte down on the ground, and someone else got a hold of it...

 Lost a hold of it...

And then zamboni-ed it off the sidewalk!

These guys were everywhere!  The temple itself was crawling with these macaques.

They were well adjusted to living with humans, and would try to take anything off your person if you are not paying enough attention.  One came and sat next to me and at first I thought he'd behave.  I started taking some pictures and he leaped onto my side to try and get at my purse, but (luckily) to no avail!

This temple was built ~1300's

We got to check out the inside of the temple where the monkeys weren't allowed.  There were, however, bats and rats inside which were surprisingly way more pleasant company than the monkeys.



Checked out a contemporary Buddhist shrine.  The child is selling parakeets which we have noticed to be quite common around town.


 Scooters.  Are.  Everywhere.

 Took a look at some more ruins in the city.  This was an ambassadors house of the 1600's.


Not sick of pictures yet?  Here are some more shots around town.  We went to a cafe to have a beer, saw some MORE ruins, and then checked out the weekly night market.

From the back of the minibus
This stall boasted Hello Kitty shaped pancakes