Saturday, December 17, 2011

Andy's birthday, Silpakorn Market


Andy's birthday night started with seeing a small elephant crossing the road. 

He was of course really excited about this and got to hang out with the elephant for a few minutes.
Found a spider/scooter hybrid.
Andy's birthday night ended (at least for me) soon after we started to watch A New Hope:

This was inevitable:

Kathleen gets a second wind later, but I call it an early night.

The next day:

(Pink Chair update!  We have discovered the Thai name for this place is "Im chjang" which means "very full")

Scruffy goes out for breakfast.  Note I am wearing pants and a cardigan in the daytime.  Winter is here!

This cardigan: best Thailand purchase so far.

The Chedi market later that night. 

The city of Nakhon Pathom is known for having the best sticky rice served in bamboo in Thailand.  This was my first time trying it.

Chedi at night.  I learned recently that our Chedi is the tallest Buddhist monument in Thailand.
Then we head over to the "flying ice cream" stand.  They hurl a wad of ice cream into the air.  If you catch it in your cup it's free.

Kathleen's attempt...

Brandon's attempt...

MY VICTORY!!!  This man worked at the stand.  He was a little strange as you might already be able to tell.

Designated sticky rice vessel.

School week starts:

Trying to look professional next to our makeshift clothesline.

Everyone had limited classes this week (except poor Sugar!) so we got to leave the school for a couple hours to go to the Wednesday market at Silpakorn University.

(Left to Right) Sai, Natta, Kathleen, Muey, Me, and Andy in the back.

Andy went missing for a minute.  Then we found him..

We ate a hardy lunch at the market and then went back to the school.  Feeling a little sleepy after the meal, I talked to Muey about the American idioms "food coma" and "fat belly shut-eye".  She then got excited and told me about a very similar Thai idiom that translates to "stomach skin stretches, eye skin closes." (nang tong teung, nang da yon)  Her demonstration of it was so adorable that I had to take this video!

I picked up a hobby:  making paper stars!

Oom is a mattyum 3 student that Brandon and I were tutoring for a spelling bee for the Suphanburi academic competition.  During one spelling practice I made 7 stars while she managed to make 40!

She wanted a snail caricature too!

During the "cold" season in Thailand we've been seeing a lot of people wearing jackets.  I saw some students and faculty wearing awesome Princess Sirindhorn's College jackets and when I inquired in one of my classes about where to get one, a student said she didn't want hers and gifted this to me!


School pride!

Big C market on Thursday:

Dear Vendor-of-giant-puffy-jackets-in-Thailand, what the hell are you thinking?!

Thailand is still behind other countries with regards to mannequin rights.

"Big C", another department store we frequent, is feeling quite festive.

Thailand can often stand to have a little dose of spackling and a lick of paint.

Well... is it?!             Me making the most of "sweater" season.

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