Friday, December 2, 2011

Princess Sirindhorn's College

We realized the day before school started that we were in need of transportation and that a semester full of motorcycle taxi rides would be a huge pain and financial burden.  We made a call to a one "Mr. Chocolate", a South African man who is well known throughout town, who served as an intermediary in our used-scooter transaction.  Say hello to our speedy little Yamaha Mio II!

Also, facial hair is considered unprofessional in Thailand so Sugar got a whole new look!  This is the first day of school.  Brandon looks really Mormon in the second one.

Studly clean-shaven Sugar

Third day of school.  Teacher me!

This is our favorite local restaurant.  We don't know the real name of the place (because we can't read Thai), but we have lovingly dubbed it "The Pink Chair."  We have become quite the regulars here.

We get free school lunches every day.  Here's an example of one.  Some kind of meat noodle soup, with tapioca and coconut milk dessert, and citrus on the side.

Don't be fooled by it's somewhat suspect appearance.  The Thai desserts are delicious and have almost become my favorite part of the meal!

Our little office...

My desk, right behind Brandon's

The Falang gang

Muay and Toon - two of student teachers that share the office with us.  They are a lot of laughs!
Week One complete!  We headed out to the Pink Chair to celebrate.

"We love Nakhon Pathom"

"Bla tab tim thod nam bla" - Tab Tim fish fried in fish oil.  It's kind of like the Thai version of a blooming onion.  So delicious!

Andy serenaded us all with a beautiful song called "Liquor and whores"
Found a car in the department store parking lot with eyelashes.  That is all.

Another shot of the beardless Sugar
More school pictures:

This is "Mister".  He is a Q and A game throwing device.  He is a monkey wearing a diaper or "ling sai pamper".  The kids love him.

Princess Sirindhorn

Campus convenience store

Ice cream stand

In Thailand, shade is your friend.

Our corridor

Another school lunch.  You put ice and little pieces of bread in the dessert syrupy stuff.
Brandon and I found a great park near Silpakorn University (right up the street from us) to go running.  It is the site of an old palace.

Geese, ducks, and chickens roam as they please.

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