Saturday, December 3, 2011

Food Donation Day


Yesterday we got to school an hour early to participate in a PSC food donation event for local monks and flood victims.

I purposely shortened my last name on my name-tag so people could pronounce it.  I didn't think about how Thai first and last names tend to be at least 15 characters long...

Princess Sirindhorn.  This is where we sign in every morning.

The morning is great because it's less than 80 degrees outside.

 Setting up the tables.


 The kids seemed pretty excited... probably because they got to miss the first period of class ;P

Not at all camera shy!

Falang teacher donation

These are the some of the naughty boys

Some nice kids from my 4/6 class

The guy in the picture, named Mos, is gay and has a big crush on Brandon!

P. Waraporn, our principal.

The monks accept the donation in their special metal bowls...

... and then they dump the contents into another bag to take elsewhere.  It's the ceremony of the thing.

This guy looked like such a bad ass

Huge pile of food!
 Bonus pictures:


Heart rice

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