Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tidbits and Trip to Bangkok

Here are a few miscellaneous snaps from around town:

The "American" at the Pink Chair

Spirit house on the corner where we do our laundry

Sugar is great at modeling just about anything.

I made this extra large... so you can read it...

Beginning to look a lot like X-mas -- this was found in the instant noodle section of Tesco.

The students all have adorable pencil cases... I wanted one too!  This is a cat-eggplant hybrid, I believe.

The falang found themselves with an extra long weekend and decided to take a one-night trip to Bangkok.  On the way to the station we notice HUGE monitor lizards in a lake-like body of water at the University up our street!

I got the picture with his tongue out!!!

 We make it to Bangkok in an hour and a half.  Brandon and Andy decide they want to try Thai Mc Donald's.

I brought this hat, but Andy ended up wearing it the whole weekend.

 First stop is the infamous Khao San Road.  We book an incredibly cheap hostel room, and then take a look around town.

The hostel bathrooms were well-labeled.  The one farthest away is for ladyboys (gateuy).

Market stalls and falang for miles

 We took a long walk to China town for some grub.

River of garbage we pass along the way

Intrepid urban adventurers armed with a guide book and energy drinks!

We stop to check out a large temple built by King Rama V in the late 1800's

Was accidentally burned on the exhaust pipe of a scooter one day prior!  The exact same thing had happened to Kathleen a couple weeks before...
Consulting the book!

Made it to Chinatown

Toy scooters for tots!!!

Plastic watches by the bushel

An armful of giant calculators...

Knives and glasses

Fun fruit!  We tried one and it was pretty delicious.
 Hunger strikes again and we find a Chinese seafood restaurant with tanks of live fish, crab, and shrimp right out front.

 Heading back to Khao San through some pretty crappy Bangkok traffic via tuk-tuk.

 Khao San at night:

Novelty giant lighter found

Andy discovers his ear piercing is still open

Some kind of Thai Luau going on

Little girl tries to sell us roses (and fails)


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