Friday, January 13, 2012

New Years Day: Part II


After an overlook of Burma and the Andaman Sea, we drove into the forests surrounding the city of Ranong to visit a couple waterfalls.

Thais love a good, fully-dressed swim

This recreational hot spot had a few vendors and we voted unanimously on getting ice cream sandwiches!  Only it's not the traditional kind of ice cream sandwich that you may be thinking of ...

It's basically a hot dog bun.  Where was this size bun when we made burgers on Christmas?  Oh Thailand.

Lookmoo keeps his cool amidst the ice cream sandwich excitement

Sugar chomp!

On to the next waterfall:

I discover the blue filter on my camera.  Kathleen is the test subject.

Time for a kip

He has a kind of animal magnetism

Short walk up to the waterfall (nam-tok)

Don't mind the dog yarbles

Lookmoo experiencing the outdoors

Carnivorous pitcher plant!
Next stop: A hill overlook next to a temple

300 stair ascent.  Peanuts compared to the mountain of stairs we did just outside of Lopburi!

At the top

Rain clouds rolling in

And the number of the bell tolling shall be three.  No more.  No less.

A lovely view!

Then things got silly, as they tend to do

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