Saturday, January 14, 2012

PSC Fashion Show and Faculty Party


A week before our break for new years, the foreign teachers were told to collaborate to make some kind of 5-10 minute presentation of our choosing for January 5th when we came back to school.  Without any other information regarding the kind of event the presentation was for or who would be our audience, the Chinese and English team decided that we should do a fashion show consisting of articles of clothing the kids have to wear as part of their school uniforms.  The runway music chosen was none other than I'm Too Sexy, and we even had outfit commentators in both English and Chinese!

It turns out that our presentation was for the faculty new year party.  It took place by the pool, was fully catered, and everyone got a free PSC purple towel and a little buddha totem.

Prizes to be raffled throughout the night
The director of our school making his rounds

There was a designated table for the foreign teachers

The Chinese teachers and Grace arrive and we start to get excited for the show.  We were the first performance after the director's speech.

Mai and Fa

Andy and Wanee

Grace is from the Philippines.  She is wearing a recreational PSC shirt for teachers.

My outfit included the boys' scout socks with red fringe, and the girls' purple 'Friday' tie.

We unfortunately didn't get any pictures of the actual show itself, but it was a blast and we really hammed it up!  The teachers were cheering and congratulating us, and the director (who might have been slightly inebriated) handed us each 100 baht whilst we were on stage!

Victory!  Brandon was wearing the girls' bow in his hair and had worn my PSC jacket, but I didn't get a picture!

The Chinese teacher on the right is named Corin.  Corin and Kathleen are wearing the standard uniforms of female M5 students.  I really love these socks.

Mai was just dressed like he was part of the mob.

Pancate and Wanee wearing two different types of girls' scout uniforms

Then, without any warning, some fireworks were set off right near the pool!  I would say that warnings and general safety precautions aren't so big in Thailand. 

Then began the performances of other groups:

Kwang (right) is Waraporn's assistant, and we work in the same office.

Student teachers group 1

Just a wee rip in the pants there Toon!

Student teachers group 2

I noticed some of the dormitory girls had come to spy on our secret teacher party!

And what's an event without an excessive amount of group photos?!

Even an art teacher and the director jumped in!

It's not a Thai party unless someone is dressed in drag!  Go Ak, yellow is a fabulous color on you.

Ajarn Waraporn got in on the action!

The director gave her 100 baht too!  Way too funny.
Lesson of the night: Thai adults love song, dance, and general silliness just as much as the Thai kids do!  I don't think anyone could ever come between Thais and their fun.

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